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Hakuba Happo Onsen – a Moment of Bliss!

Happo no Yu
Happo Onsen, “Happo no Yu” is located in the area of Happo nearby Happo-one Ski Resort. It is a public onsen which is open every day from 12:00pm until 8:00pm

The onsen is thoroughly cleaned every day before business hours so you can relax and enjoy your time at your own pace. The main characteristics of Happo Onsen are its strong alkalinity and the fact that it is the only natural hydrogen spring in Japan. These characteristics exist due to the special minerals found in the serpentine rock. There are a lot of serpentines at Happo-one. These special rocks react with hot water and create the unique characteristics found in Happo Onsen. The strong alkaline will make your skin smooth and the hydrogen has an anti-aging effect. We invite you to experience these beauty benefits while soaking in the hot water of Happo no Yu.


Hakuba Happo Onsen Manjyu
Hakuba Happo onsen Manjyu is a simple sweet red bean paste made of glutinous brown sugar. We recommend that you eat the manjyu with milk after your onsen.


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